Carly Stasko, Imagitator (one who agitates imagination)

Storyweavers Student Podcast Team

In 2016…..I helped establish……

Sabrina shares her self-interview, and invites us into her struggles with mental health and what it felt like to lose her identity, and eventually the hopefulness in coming back to herself. Next she interviews Kristen about what it means to be a student and how to cultivate work-play balance. Sanjana then shares her self-interview and her struggles with forming her own identity and confronting where she considers home. Lastly, Sanjana interviews Diandra, who also talks about confronting and coping with depression and mental health. For the study and everyday use of Indigenous languages, follow @CKQ_UOFT on Twitter.

The Storyweavers Student Podcast team was….

To hear more episode please click here




