I love podcasts – listening to them, creating them, training people to become podcasters and meeting fellow producers and hearing about what motivates them.
Straight out of university I started working as a television producer at the CBC on a show called CounterSpin – a live political debate show that aired 5 days a week on CBC Newsworld.
A few years later I went through cancer treatments and was immune compromised and missed interacting with people in the ways I had been before as a community engaged artist, activist and journalist.
Podcasting gave me a way to stay connected to life outside of the cancer hospital. During a time when I felt so disconnected, podcasts were a way to hear other peoples’ authentic stories, to reflect on my own and to contemplate some of the big questions about life.
That lead me to create a short radio documentary with CBC Outfront called “Ring That Bell” about my experience facing and recovering from cancer.
In 2010 I started freelancing for the CBC radio show DNTO (Definitely Not the Opera) sharing stories from my personal life which you can listen to here.
In 2017 I helped start the Story Weaver Podcast at the University of Toronto’s Hart House where I collaborated with First Nations House, The Center for International Experience and some amazing producers from CBC’s The Doc Project to train students to become podcasters.